Chazanim and Choir

The Mens Choir

The acclaimed choir at The Central Synagogue is one of the most preeminent in Australia, fusing the finest vocal talents in town. Under the tutelage of lauded choirmaster, Chazan Yehuda Niasoff, age-old and modern tunes are masterfully arranged and beautifully harmonised. This musical contribution is a regular feature and fixture, enhancing all Shabbat and Yom Tov services. It is unique and a true rarity in synagogues around the world.

This uplifting and melodious blend of choral voices adds a vibrancy within the main sanctuary, which is an aesthetically beautiful and warm space. All this is then heightened by the amazing acoustics. An immersive experience is revealed, with the inspiring ambiance soulfully touching all in attendance.

Our choir exudes a professional, practiced yet personal tone and is frequently invited to perform beyond the shul campus at various communal functions and simchas, showcasing a wide-ranging repertoire.

[To book the Central Choir for your upcoming event, contact choirmaster Chazan Yehuda Niasoff on 0414 262 006.]

The choir at Central has been acclaimed as one of the finest in Australia. In fact, the collective vocal quality, in conjunction with beautifully arranged tunes, enhance every Shabbat and Yom Tov. Furthermore, our choir is often invited to perform outside the shul at various community functions and Simchas.

Such uplifting and harmonious voices add a vibrancy to every service. Congregants feel a palpable joy and are encouraged to join in the heavenly davening.

Under the guidance of Rabbi Yehuda Niasoff, our Boys’ Choir fills our sanctuary with their angelic voices. With every piece performed, there is a hush throughout the shul as the purity of their sweet songs is complemented by the incredible acoustics within.

Chazan Shimon Farkas OAM

Chazan Shimon Farkas OAM

Senior Cantor

Chazan Shimon Farkas OAM is one of the most revered cantors of our epoch; his unique voice is simultaneously vibrant in tone and richly enveloped in emotional and spiritual warmth.

Chazan Shimon was born in Hungary and moved to Israel as a young child. Distinguished as a virtuoso at an early age, by nine years old he was already welcomed as a young chazan ably leading the Friday night Kabbalat Shabbat services at the Rama Synagogue in Tel Aviv.

In 1972 at the age of twenty-two, he was appointed Chief Cantor of The Central Synagogue and his prowess and cantorial abilities continued to soar to new heights. Chazan Shimon was also invited to produce and perform several professional recordings and in 2008 was honoured to be awarded the Order of Australia Medal in recognition for his unwavering contribution to Sydney’s Jewish

community, in particular, to our synagogue.

He has been invited to showcase his powerful, yet flexible vocal abilities at many critically acclaimed musical soirées including Symphony for the Soul, an Australian-U.S. cultural collaboration when our main sanctuary was transformed into a world-class acoustic concert hall replete with an international orchestra.

With an impassioned performance style, each rendition taps into his tremendous range – without doubt he both enriches and enlivens the Jewish liturgical musical experience.
Chazan Shimon and his wife, Veronica, are blessed with three children and eleven grandchildren who reside in Sydney, Melbourne and Israel.

Our Chazan Shimon is treasured by our community and has now graced us with his golden interpretations of prayer services and sacred singing for half a century.

Rabbi Yehuda Niasoff

Rabbi Yehuda Niasoff

Associate Cantor + Choirmaster

Sydney Jewry has been blessed to have Rabbi Yehuda actively contribute to daily life in the communal space for almost three decades.

Born and raised in New York, he was nurtured within a family of musically gifted, internationally renowned Chazanim. His melodic talents were identified from age six and by eighteen he was performing across the United States.

In 1993 he arrived in Australia whilst furthering his rabbinical studies. During the ensuing decade, in addition to gaining a respected semicha, rabbinic ordination, Rabbi Yehuda also served as Chazan for a number of synagogues over the High Holy Days, continuing to perform musically for simchas and services.

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Sam Weiss

Sam Weiss

Assistant Choir Master

Sam Weiss is a highly experienced, respected, passionate, dedicated and professional young musician. Graduating from Emanuel School (2012), Sam is currently completing a Bachelor of Music (Composition) and Bachelor of Commerce degree at UNSW. He has been a member of The Central Synagogue for his entire life, and his family has a long history with the shul, spanning 3 generations.

A multi-instrumentalist, Sam regularly performs in Sydney and abroad at simchas, events and prestigious venues with his jazz band 33 Degrees Music, the Sincopa Trio, and several other groups. Sam is also a practicing film composer, having scored feature films Pockets of Hope (2015) and Indigo Lake (2017). Sam has also composed and arranged several pieces of music for The Central Synagogue choir.

David Politzer

David Politzer

Assistant Choirmaster

Upon graduating from Moriah College one decade ago, David went on to complete his Bachelor of Entertainment Business Management (2015). Professionally he commenced in the music industry opting to coordinate national tours for some of Australia’s biggest performing artists.

A gifted and passionate multi-instrumentalist, David has also performed overseas numerous times both in a solo capacity and as a vital part of an orchestra. He has also worked closely to ensure the success of an international music festival located in Fiji.

David’s musical journey and trajectory have been closely linked with our local community. He has been a dedicated and valued member of many synagogue choirs in Sydney over the years and now brings all of that experience, knowledge and ability with him into this dynamic role as Central’s Assistant Choirmaster.

Adult Choir

  • Brendan Zlatkis
  • Colin Fox
  • David Politzer
  • Emanuel Rosenberg
  • Gavriel Ingram
  • Ian Tubak
  • Jacob Wine
  • Jeff Zulman
  • John Tintner
  • Len Mahemoff
  • Martin Friedgut
  • Natie Lieb
  • Saul Lieb
  • Shaun Eliastam
  • Shmaryahu Bowdre
  • Ted Arnold

Under the guidance of Rabbi Yehuda Niasoff a Young Boys Choir has recently been formed. When they sang over the High Holy Days there was a hush in the shul as their sweet, angelic voices filled the air. They also made an appearance at our concert in 2010 and once again they “wowed “the audience.

Boys Choir

  • Avi Niasoff
  • Zacharia Moses
  • Shaun Lieb
  • Sam Levy
  • Jacob Levy
  • Rafi Kay
  • Shniur Bloom
  • Mem Eichenblat
  • Gershon Richter
  • Hershy Richter
One-and-a-half decades ago, Chazan Yehuda had an overarching vision to further connect The Central Synagogue Family to prayer and song. That vision was realised in 2009 with the addition of a Boys’ Choir. This inspired introduction instantly became a famed fixture within our Central ‘shulscape’.

Each young chorister has a clear, angelic voice, patiently and expertly developed by Chazan Yehuda – the result is sweetness personified. During the High Holy Days when shule attendance is at its peak, there is always a hush as the boys begin, the purity of their sound enhances the meaningful davening and is appreciated, valued and admired by all.