The central synagogue

The central synagogue

The central synagogue

Parshat Beshalach

Friday 7 February | Candle Lighting  7.37pm
Saturday 8 February | Shabbat ends  8.34pm

Regular Service Times

Shacharit 1: Monday, Tuesday : 6.30am  – not on public holidays and Yom Tov
Shacharit 2: Sunday to Friday : 8.30am
Mincha | Maariv : Sunday to Thursday : 7.30pm


L’Chaim : 5.30pm
Mincha : 5.50pm followed by Kabbalat Shabbat
Saturday Service : 9.00am
Childrens Service : 10.00am
Saturday Mincha | Maariv: 65 minutes before shabbat ends

Our Mission Statement

We aim to be Central to Jewish family life, based on our core pillars of:

Modern Orthodox Judaism


Communal Inclusiveness
