Drip Drop Judaism

Dedicate and Grow Drop by Drop

We are delighted to hear that you’ve been inspired by the recent sermon on “Drip Drop Judaism”. Even the smallest step can have a profound impact on our lives and the lives of our families. Kindly take a moment to complete the form below.

Drip Drop Judaism Form

Resolutions/Mitzvot to Consider:
Mark (✔) any commitment you wish to embrace:
Embrace Monthly Shule Visits
Timely Shabbat Candle Lighting
Weekly Tefillin & Shema
Kosher Shabbat Dining
Technology Free Shabbat
Engage in Continued Learning
Personal Information:
We’ll be in touch with you to provide further resources, encouragement, and information on your selected resolutions/Mitzvot.

Thank you for nurturing your bond with our Jewish roots, one drop at a time.

Shana Tova,
Rabbi Levi Wolff